
My name is Rodolphe Bellugue, I’m French and I’m living in Indonesia since 2011. I play mainly guitars and start Proots in 2019 after playing with several bands since 1991 to 2018 as hobby.

Because of the lack of space and lack of time to spend with my hobbies, I choose to make music as simple as possible using tactile surface. Even though there are countless disadvantages of using this medium, it is convenient and a huge time saver considering that you can work on it. everywhere.

What is Proots

Proots is an unprofessional bedroom made instrumental surf punk trash tracks.

Proots is not a band, Proots is a one man project with inspiration from the 60s & early 70s sound.

Proots is a concept to survive in an environment where there are no musicians for rock’n roll.

Why Proots

Nobody are late for rehearsal, decisions are fast, no band, no live, no fucking festival with shit as food like, the classic rice salad  filled with tuna eggs and yellow tomatoes and lot of onions stripped large for cheap bands, no cheap beer at 4,5 degrees only, no 15mn sound check because organisators and/or bands are late, no heavy amps to handle, no need to help the drummer to bring it set, nobody are complaining you are playing too loud, no transportation.


No need to wait before you have finished to pack your gig to drink!

The young Rodolphe playing guitar on stage

What benefits you get listening Proots music

The benefits are countless.

If you have boring guest in your house without notice, you can use Proots to scare them away.

If your wife is complaining that you are driving too fast, slowdown and listen to Proots loudly, then she will beg you to drive faster.

If you have difficulties with your kids…? Threaten to lock them up for 2 minutes in the bathroom and play Proots.

It gives you protection against adultery, in fact women can’t stand armpit odor, but it is chemically proven that armpit odor increases ovulation, exactely the same can happen if she has the chance to listen Proots, you are a lucky man…and woman..!

Your neighbors are talking loud too early in the afternoon, play Proots, then, they will not dare to do it again.

You have difficulties to understand the logic of your friends that get new dutch tobacco, and he doesn’t stop talking, listen to Proots, he will keep quiet, and surely go back home immediately…

You feel poop coming but still shy..Proots helps with intestinal disorders also.

The more you listen Proots, the fatter your farts will be, and with character.. that will make you proud of you and selfconfident…!

It helps to warm you up under the duvet in winter, your girlfriends and/or wives will greatly appreciate…! Therefore you can have a lot of fun with them, by making jokes and farts competitions following noises/odors/warmth/vicissitude…and why not also color and texture for those who are still novice..!

Proots is also a type of music that could help you to improved your skills of teabagging and discipline your nutscapes.

Those are just some examples, the benefits to listen Proots are